Talygarza's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by talygarza  —  There are currently 59 poems total — keep up the great work!


The shelves are as fools as my thoughts are troubled.
I return to home, feeling that disturbed
passions against other’s odd presence; coming
again into my life writing about nonsense.

The second act is my bed, few magazines,
money trash, a...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 9 days ago

Des fleurs jolies dans
le mur, ciel beau, des nuages
se promènent avant des mes yeux.

Ces fleurs aient le mal
Ils color ce ne pas important
les nuages sont indifferent
avec les ordures ici.

Je suis une étrange dans ces cadeaux...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 13 days ago
Wild garden

I saw a poppy flower open, must be
at night when she imploded, another poppy
yesterday was alone, now both a trophy
made. They belong to a corner from this reign
of physical reality where the world is seeing
on its full crudeness, that’s...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 23 days ago
Es la noche ordinaria, hiriente

Es la noche ordinaria, hiriente,
repaso multitudes de recuerdos
y escucho de pájaros, sonidos
semejantes a la canción creciente
maúllan gatos, especies vivientes
descienden a suelos llenos de cardos.
Silenciosas ventanas, ateridos

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 1 month ago
Acerca de los contenidos diversos de la poesía

Obsesionada la rima
describo, cualquier objeto
del tropo es candidato
la vaga demencia, bruma

transcribo mediante forma 

fantasmagórica, susto 

apersonado; disgusto 

atribulado, el miedo
de incumplir acordado 

castigo de mi...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 1 month ago
Invitation to a journey

My sister, my dear
Consider how fair,
Together to live it would be!
Down yonder to fly
To love, till we die,
In the land which resembles thee.
Those suns that rise
'Neath erratic skies,
—No charm could be like unto theirs—
So strange and...

by Charles Baudelaire

added 1 month ago

Je trouve le sol
vers le sable de la vie
tue mon coeur bleu...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 2 months ago

Crossing the street there runs the river;
the seagulls fly and me between this crowd;
they elevate and fall unaware of my mood
I beg to escape to hear the thunder
I keep walking I took the another
street, too full, the people are forever

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 2 months ago

Tienes un día, consideras lienzo
a esas horas recurrentes, leves
pestañeos que ojos gesticulan
durante los minutos transcurridos
desde que despertaste solitaria
en tu habitación iluminada.

Levantada no ves iluminada
sombra por detrás...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 4 months ago

Your beautiful head
inspires me to write poems
that disappear
across the sands of lost time
a great ilusión to fail...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 4 months ago

Three lines is enough
space for writers trying
to success...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 4 months ago
This night

My mind can’t find anything beautiful
I walk losing mindfulness evading
the ambience, the skies thoughtful,
this bad genius fell over me flaming.
I recover force to see merciful
constellation’s cows and hunts, erasing
day labor’s ashes,...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 4 months ago
The giant reeds’s book

On my grandfather’s veranda is April morning,
I feel confidence when he is near, and is more pleasant to read knowing you are not alone at home.
Nature puts the rest,
I pass through the beige pages,
my book title is: hanging gardens
I find...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 5 months ago
Sun’s absence

Outside, the light of dawn is raising
still early
it can’t break the earliest darkness
while you sleep with confidence
you aren’t an ephemeral romance,
instead, you are my little son sleeping

Each minute, sun’s rays get wide over our...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 6 months ago

Fine fragrance filters
across city’s garden. Some
stems to bring...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 7 months ago

My heart deceived with lust from young days,
that time, when people falsely forget death,
mistake love with easy beauty, waste pleasures
wound the cosmos in perpetual seeking
futile passions that in old age simply end.

As free flowers man...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 7 months ago

Sailing there floating over the tempest, marine color promise better weather,
at the bottom of the city I’m stuck, seeing the typical traffic, I don’t approach the embankment, too far from my time
busy as usual, the stained-glass windows are...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 7 months ago
Elegy for two orange trees

Although we experience the same emotions, not everyone express them by the same way.

Each winter they brought juice, nostalgic I remind
with imaginatively delight, that I went
every winter at my grandparents’s home to collect
bitter oranges...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 9 months ago
Friend letter

Love can be deceiving hard task
for young people, their boring task,
abiding in nothingness, grow
behind the city were their task
learn profession for get income
the thieves plenty have robbing task
mess city, it’s terrible how
you treat...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 9 months ago
Omar the poet

Where does it comes your bad despair Omar?
longing for a rose garden you wrote since
the provincial landscape where your dark tent
was a refuge for those moon’s seekers....

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 10 months ago
Summer thought

The tree’s pears coupled
perfectly with summer clouds,
they just are right...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 10 months ago
The guest

What makes different to be here?
people dies, get sick
the differences are insane
tough roofs, food like lamb
silence, when you sit...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 10 months ago
Against my country

Isn’t easy the traitor’s role
proud is his father
It’s my country, invisible sadness
I cry for all this confusion
I mean, for this useless fighting for nothingness,
It’s my country
mountains, deserts and steppe,
there is no more to...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 10 months ago
Combray 1

For a long time I used to go to bed early. Sometimes, when I had put out my candle, my eyes would close so quickly that I had not even time to say "I'm going to sleep." Marcel Proust, Swann’s way

No puede faltar la iglesia. Me gusta verlas. En...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 10 months ago

I look trees planted in the front,
green cups pointing toward the cloudy sky,
these days are rainy, anyway nobody cares,
because rainy days are plenty common here,
only a person like me, who proceeds from a place where rain is plenty rare, is...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 10 months ago

Slave and his master, accidental
liaison nobody wants to live forever.
Teach me, dear master how to be free. I can’t,
tells him, life is not equal for everybody.
How can you try to defend something so dark,
I know is hard, is a debt as we...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 10 months ago
Para quien escribe

Allá afuera construyen rascacielos,
aquí tú tienes un papel donde puedes crear un microcosmos,
dibujar tu pensamiento miserable.
En esa hoja en blanco mides un poema,
representas las recias sombras de los deseos que concentras,
por ejemplo:...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 10 months ago

No puedo conocer nada,
un edificio piramidal, dicen que está en Madras
hice un curry con arroz blanco que mi refrigerador conserva, evoca intensos sabores,
el mango, el tamarindo, y los chiles,
la cayena tan preciada,
como el aljibe...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago

ἆ Γαβαών
Γαβαωνῖτα δαβιδικῶς
χωρίς δᾳδέλαιον,
κοιτάξτε το φεγγάρι,
Κοίτα με, δεν είμαι τίποτα
η ταβέρνα σου...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago

E nimbus album
cicada symphonia
nihilum nigror...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago
Ansiedad de influencia


Muchas personas buscan que alguien les ayude a pensar,
ansían un consejo, piden sabiduría práctica, conocer mejor a los demás,
los nuestros a menudo se ofuscan por mostrarnos su verdad
conseguir la felicidad del otro es su...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago
Skin given

Je te donne ma peau
avec le manteau d’un léopard,
les plumes d’un paon ceux qui décorent bureaux inutiles;
ou rien n’est décidé, ce qui était déjà,
ce qui est, ce qui n’a pas besoin d’être
ceux taches portent ma noirceur.


by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago

Look this
city corner
nobody seems to cross
plenty rosy plants down brown case

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago

Moon pyramid
inclined lines, erect on the plateau
where plants evade man,
channels that cross the street of the dead

You seek the sun, solar cult, curved universe
your pyramid is about to die
coveted by intruders
they besiege and prophesy...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago

Senses collapsed on weeping
a spleen very deep started to flow
a memory recovered retroactively, pleading to rediscover what I foolishly deferred,
look, I can be efficient, says the memory,
the stroke of the event, recognized as one between...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago

The Words communicate each other something
indeed is our unconscious messenger
who is trying to express emotions,
the words travel mysteriously, people are not aware of their internal force
and they talk without end, without purpose and...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago

Plenty drops outside
changed everything around
to meditative...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago
Evening rains

Today my morning
was sunny, contrast half-light
observe evening
the waters dropping your face
ingenuities around hours...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago
Art nature

Heroic poets and artists unknown work
pursue unfathomable ascetics monks
they believe to master the pirate Turk
filling white blankets, he withdraws, debunks
getting random schemes, olives trunks
to conquer secret word wisdom, to dial

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago
Artist work

The paradox between artist
and common people it to get
into the real things, to persist
each of one in their own harvest
persons are following dearest
urges not ever decipher
which hieroglyph can consider
for making new arrangement

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago
Don’t read

I wrote a haiku without tale
then I wrote a Tanka for her
the story was about pale
country where the damp traps you fierce
detached landscape furious fire
papyrus, the long river pierce
I started writing a nouveau
with no end, Mallarmé is...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago

The sad walls carrying wild herbs
terrace is empty of peasants
the elderflower conserves
ivory petals tallest proverbs
the light of the sun still probes
trees, teach this student brilliants seeds,
ways to hide the twilight creeds

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago
Go dream

They tell
go, dream, you can
of course, the dream is real
less than utopia more than thieves
night poem...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago
Dream this night

His dream left him terrified
he told me he dreamed bad...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago
Before I dream

Before I dream right
my body realizes warm
my quilt attached
is an immortal blessing
enduring enough tonight...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago
Play on summer

The black shadow of the typical tree
we share on this wonderful afternoon
I don’t have costume, neither carry balloon
I listen your clever tale about the bee

this park worth so much for me so come see
my happiness empty, is far the moon

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago
At the park

The black shadow of the typical tree
we share on this wonderful afternoon
I’m not thirsty, I’m not hungry now
I listen your clever tale about bees

this park worth so much for me so come see
my happiness jumping down the big sun

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago
Play at the park

The black shadow of the typical tree
we share on this wonderful afternoon
I’m not thirsty, I’m not hungry now
I appreciate your presence visible

this park worth so much for me so come see
my happiness jumping in your sad mood
let’s play...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago
Noon at the park

The black shadow of the typical tree
covers us this warm day of June, we are
resting over this common green plenty
grass where the wild flowers grow careless

I wish I could stay here without no one
instead I see more people around there

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago
Ode to the failure

They came to the land by need
they learned to love the land
they changed their skin
and the land was good

When the evil tempted them
they fell
so they learned to repent
their hearts were so damaged
their heart was transformed

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago

Creeping herbs they look
gorgeous on the short stones
brighten the morning
its pink inflorescences
appropriate for this warm month...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago
Almost summer

Yellow flowers, the grass is high
every morning when I awake
the light of the sun is present
I still drink coffee no matter the warm noon
yes I’m tanned
the green leaves of the trees are as always
plenty and common
I try to not get...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago

The trees were shining,
this spring weather so familiar for me
the young playing basketball
and me thanking for the shadows of the trees,
their trunks are so fat
their leaves hang like diamonds ready for being broken by the bad air

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago

Is like a dream, I’m in the mid of thousands of books
novels, non fiction, travel books, magazines, dictionaries, poems
some people buying, I’m one of them
I thought this night holding my purchase,
it’s a fulfilled dream I went into a...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago
I want to sing alone

This morning we were singing together
nobody knew I was the true leader
the song was about set free an slave
I was so happy
I wish you were singing with me,
even you were sitting there...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago
Love is not fair

I walk for the street and I feel uncomfortable
in my mind everything must be different
then I start to realize that I’m the problem
I must embrace everything
but love doesn’t care about me,
with his garments, he conquers
I’m in solitude

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago

This hour seems empty,
I took two books, hoping to open the pages and read something
my black lamp is my companion
every night it’s near bringing me a light unseen
my window is my other companion, the curtains are there standing
outside is...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago
Late spring

I was so happy
that afternoon when the trees
were dancing with...

by Talia Garza Hernandez

added 11 months ago
New land

My room is empty, my lamp burns
two gray olive lamps are hidden within my closet, the wicks are there too
baroque readings curated
islands, new lands, the paradise found, Indians priests organizing fertility for please the gods, Spanish language...

by Talia

added 11 months ago

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And miles to go before I _______
A sleep
B end
C dream
D rest