ChristenKuikouafans's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by ChristenKuikouafans  —  There are currently 43 poems total — keep up the great work!

Her Silent Beauty

In the quiet of her presence, she stood,
Silent beauty, a tale untold, yet understood.
No words adorned her lips, just a gaze,
Leftward, seeking the arrival of the bus in the haze.

A stranger's beckoning, a call to me,
To bridge the silence...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 1 month ago
Choosing Love

I love you, yes, it's true,
Not because I have to,
But because hating takes too much,
And love is what I choose as such.

It's like a warm hug, so nice,
Makes our hearts feel light as ice.
No frowns or anger, just a smile,
Loving each other,...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 1 month ago
Whose Fault Mine Or God

Here I stand, burdened with remorse,
Each word I write, another solemn promise,
Life's cruelty, they say, but I see my own,
In choices made, in seeds of hate sown.

Does God reside amidst this worldly hate?
Yes, He does, granting us minds,...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 1 month ago
I Demand Justice For Ryan Gainer Death

I demand Justice,
For the world's hatred, a blight,
Justice for the innocent's tragic plight,
Where evil prospers in the night,
Like shadows dark, obscuring light.

I demand Justice,
For black lives' suffering, deep and stark,

by Christen Kuikoua

added 2 months ago
Sonnet 09: L'empreinte Du Destin

Devrais-je feindre l'ignorance pour cacher mes sentiments,
Ou devrais-je vraiment m'en soucier, incapable de feindre?
Tant de courage pour affronter l'inconnu,
Pourtant muet devant elle, le cœur en peine.

Qui est-elle, demandez-vous, avec...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 2 months ago
A Birthday Ode To My Mother

Mother, for you, these lines I pen,
Oh, dear, my first love, now and then.
Mother, you know me, inseparable we,
And thus, I share what the world should see.

For you gave me life, a gift untold,
Gold and silver may never hold.
You nourish me,...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 2 months ago
Joyful Seventeen Celebration

In this moment, I stand tall,
Grateful for each rise and fall.
Life's journey, a gift to unwrap,
A joyous clap, life beautifully sews.

With each year, wisdom grows,
Embracing laughter, shedding tears,
A dance of hopes, conquering fears.


by Christen Kuikoua

added 3 months ago
Defying Societal Beauty's Chains

In a world where beauty's confined,
To a frame, a shape, so pre-defined.
I refuse to bow to discrimination's hand,
Refusing to let it define me.

No more the shackles of slim and packed,
A revolution, where all sizes are backed.
Let every...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 3 months ago
Navigating Insecurity Safely

Embrace your insecurities with grace,
Yet, don't let them dictate your pace.
They're shadows that may come and go,
But never allow them to diminish your glow.

It's fine not always to be on the peak,
Cool and collected, a demeanor unique.

by Christen Kuikoua

added 3 months ago
My Heart Prayer: Kneeling Before Redemption

In the sacred silence of this moment,
I kneel before you, my Lord,
burdened by the weight of my transgressions.
My soul trembles, confessing

 the sins that have stained the fabric of my being.
Oh, forgive me, Almighty,
for straying from...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 3 months ago
My Vulnerble Apology

In the depths of my soul, I beg forgiveness,
For I know not the extent of the hurt I caused,
My apologies falter, mere whispers in the wind,
Yet, I bear them with sincerity, with a heart that bleeds.

I confess, I longed to be a reflection...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 3 months ago
A Beautiful Little Fool

In her smile, my heart takes flight, making me a beautiful little fool.
Since she stepped into my life, everything's rewritten, everything's cool.

Her presence, a gift that transforms mundane into a sweet surprise,
Turning ordinary days into...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 3 months ago
Abomination Now Exposed

Love they spout, love they falsely declare,
Yet their eyes betray a darkness, a glare.
A cocktail of hatred, lust, and envy,
Craving what's not theirs, God deems unholy.

Love they proclaim, a charade so grand,
Indulging in sin, a pleasure...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 3 months ago
What If It Was The End Of The World?

In twilight's grasp, the world meets its demise,
Oh, Christian soul, who claims the sacred name,
Within God's church, where fervent spirits rise,
Contemplate now, the end, a burning flame.

What if it was the end, the final call,
Would jests...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 4 months ago
The Black Anthem's Cry

Black is not evil, It's a Style so grand
A beauty that's been hidden from our sight
No longer to hid our precious hand
and question Who we are in day And night

For black is not a curse
Nor source of shame
It's a color that should be worn...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 4 months ago
When The Law Shut Down Your Dreams

In a world where I am Christen Kuikoua,
Yet each day, I question if it's truly me.
I can act, sing, and model with passion,
But my dreams face a relentless decree.

Every aspiration met with a crushing sound,
As though someone's there to pull...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 5 months ago
Santa Was Never Real, That Is The Fact

In Bethlehem's manger, a humble abode,
A savior was born, the son of our God.
No sleigh bells, no reindeer, just a star shining bright,
Guiding the wise men through the tranquil night.

A babe in a stable, no grandeur or gold,
Yet His story...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 5 months ago
A Christmas Unlike Any Before

In a land where snow should fall,
On a Christmas day, unusual,
A tale unfolds, both strange and bright,
Under sunny skies, a curious light.

A beautiful day, like any other,
Yet, sunshine felt like a bother.
For I, who had fled to distant...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 5 months ago
A Fallen Angel's Tale To Grace Abundance

The devil, once beautiful, desired more,
His craving for power, a treacherous lure.
In the pursuit of dominion, he led with arrogance,
A path of darkness, where his soul was lost.

His charm masked a hunger insatiable,
An appetite for control,...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 5 months ago
A Christmas Reverie

In Christmas's glow, where dreams and joy entwine,
A tale unfolds, of Christ's birth divine.
In Bethlehem's cradle, a babe so mild,
The Savior, Messiah, the Holy Child.

Santa, my father, in folklore's embrace,
Brings gifts and wonder to each...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 5 months ago
Sonnet 08: Celebrating Black Grandeur

In liberty's realm, we bear a cross of might,
Our skin, a testament to trials that tower high.
Injustice, a tempest, a loss that rages in the night,
Yet, in our hearts, resilience roars like thunder in the sky.

Racism, a monstrous shadow, a...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 5 months ago
So Who Is Christen Kuikoua

In the quiet quest of self, a name unfolds,
Christen Kuikoua, a story yet to be told.
Not just a random soul or a fleeting dream,
But a being with purpose, a soul in the stream.

Through days and nights, in life's winding thread,
In the...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 6 months ago
A Song Of Gratitude

In the tapestry of time, where friendships bloom,
Mes amis, like petals, dispelling life's gloom.
Brothers, firm anchors in the sea of existence,
Une soeur agaçante, a tempest, a relentless insistence.

Parents, the roots, firmly grounding my...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 6 months ago
Berceuse Lunaire: Douce Nuit

Sous la lueur douce de la lune si brillante,
Ferme tes yeux maintenant, embrasse la nuit.
Les étoiles là-haut scintillent dans les cieux si profonds,

Alors que tu te laisses glisser dans les rêves, trouve un sommeil paisible.

Les soucis du...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 9 months ago
Sonnet 2: Whispers Of An Untold Love

In the depths of love's vast expanse,
A yearning burns, a desperate chance.
So close, yet words get caught in my throat,
Silent whispers, love's song left to float.

I hold her dear, her presence divine,
But how to show, this heart of mine?

by Christen Kuikoua

added 9 months ago
Sonnet 03 Wandering Shadows: The Burden Of Unrequited Love' Poem by Christen Kuikoua

In ymest depths, a yearning doth enfold,
An unseeded love, a tale yet untold.
A desirous lover, consumed by woe,
In shadows shrouded, where emotions flow.

Erst fierce and vivid, as Sol's fiery glow,
Now dimmed and faded, a love's overthrow.

by Christen Kuikoua

added 9 months ago
God's Masterpiece

In the morn of days, when time was but young,
God's gentle hands beheld, creation sung,
With heavenly art, each soul did He mould,
A masterpiece distinct, with roles untold.

For God, a Maker, more than mere mechanic,
Within each heart His...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 9 months ago
Two Hearts Away But Always

Though distance casts its shadowed veil,
Two souls entwined, their bond prevail.
Love's tether strong, defying time's stride,
A beacon of hope, where passions collide.

In the depths of longing, hearts find their way,
Aching desires in...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 9 months ago
Sonnet 04: Love's Vigor Amidst War's Strife And Envy's Sting.

Amidst war's guilt, in solitude I tread,
Where envy's venom seeps into my core,
In shadows draped, I mourn the love that's dead,
And death's cold grip leaves me to weep once more.

From battles fought, I bear the scars of shame,

by Christen Kuikoua

added 9 months ago
Words to My Ninth Grade Self

In shadows cast by youthful fears,
A tale of lessons learned through tears,
I'd whisper truths to younger me,
A poem woven, wise decree.

"Don't shroud your pain in masks of pride,
For veils of faux esteem can hide,
The ones who hold your...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 9 months ago
Her Name Was Desiree

In a realm where dreams dance in light's embrace,
Desiree dwelled with an enchanting grace,
Her name a symphony, a tale to unfold,
In life's grand expanse, a story of old.

With eyes like pools of liquid grace,
Stars reflected in their...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 9 months ago
Apocalypse's Overture: Ascending From Hell's Abyss To Heavenly Glory

In the Apocalypse of Hell, a warning strong,
Of destruction and judgment, where dark throngs,
Where eyes that sin, must cut to save,
To seek the path, the righteous pave.

Hell's inferno starts on Earth's domain,
A consequence of tongues...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 9 months ago
Sonnet 1: Lost Love In The Shadows

In distant realms where love's elusive gleams,
I search for traces of what once was true.
A love untamed, lost in forgotten dreams,
A flame once bright, now dimmed and misconstrued.

The path to find this love, wrought with despair,

by Christen Kuikoua

added 10 months ago
Divinely Crafted: Embracing God's Love and Purpose

In the reflection of divine light, I stand,
A child of God, created by His hand.
Clothed in His image, a vessel of grace,
Chosen and cherished in Heaven's embrace.

No earthly words or judgments can define,
The worth I hold, a treasure so...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 10 months ago
Fathers are like the ocean

Fathers are like the ocean,
Vast deep, strong in motion,
Endless depths of love and care,
Always present, always there.

Like the waves that crash ashore,
Fathers protect us evermore,
Guiding us in life's rough tide,
Leading us to the other...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 11 months ago
The Morn Of My Heart

O heart! Why must you lay your love so bare?
To share your heart and soul with one so dear?

I thought that I was strong enough
to bear the pain and hold my bluff,
To hide my feelings from your gaze,
And keep them locked for future days.


by Christen Kuikoua

added 1 year ago
Patience A Virtue To Uphold

Patience, a virtue so pure and true,
A quality that can carry us through.
A scene of sin? No, that's not quite right,
It's our response to temptation that's the fight.

With wisdom and patience, we can avoid the snare,
And keep ourselves from...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 1 year ago
Mother Earth A Gift To Us To Cherish And Love

Mother Earth, a gift so rare,
A place of beauty, beyond compare.
A world of wonder, where life abounds,
A paradise of sights and sounds.

From the mountains high, to the oceans wide,
From the forests green, to the deserts dry.
The Earth is...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 1 year ago
My Undeniable Love

Day by day
Night by night
I find myself loving you more and more
Every song I sing,
and the emotions it builds
Is a reminder of my love so real

Your beauty and grace
Surpasses what my eyes have ever seen
or my ears ever heard
Your smile...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 1 year ago
My Undeniable Love

Day by day
Night by night
I find myself loving you more and more
Every song I sing,
and the emotions it builds
Is a reminder of my love so real

Your beauty and grace
Surpasses what my eyes have ever seen
or my ears ever heard
Your smile...

by Christen Kuikoua

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Happy Birthday Sixteen

Shall I hail the rising ray
Or overflow my cup with tears of joy
Shall i run as with no direction
As a madman full of happiness
Or woe for such a glorious day has come

Will his prince my friends’ mirth receive,
And bless his birth, and wish...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 1 year ago
I Need A Family Not A Court

Never Compete
with Artificial intelligence
but instead focus
On developing Unique human Intelligence
Because If you continue
to teach today
as you taught yesterday
then you rob us students of tomorrow
for you can lead a horse to water

by Christen Kuikoua

added 1 year ago
Mom You Are My One And Only

Mom, your love is a mystery:
How can you do it all?
Mother is such a simple word,
But to me there’s meaning seldom heard.
For everything I am today,
My mother’s love showed me the way.
You are the Thunder and I am Lightning
And I Love the Way...

by Christen Kuikoua

added 1 year ago

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