Blossoms of Light in Urban Fray

Stanza 1

The weight of worlds unknown pressed deep inside,
Unspoken tales of sorrow left untold,
In shadows cast we oft ourselves do hide,
Seeking shelter from the raging cold.
Yet even in the darkest, dreariest night,  
Some distant stars still glimmer oh so bright,
Their faint but steady glow our only light,
Guiding wanderers who have lost their way,
Kindling hope for the coming day.

Stanza 2  

What darkness lurks within the hearts of some,
Their thoughts and deeds we do not understand,
But let us not be quick to cast and shun,
For all have good, if we but stay our hand,
And look beyond the surface traits we see,
To find the light, however frail it be.
With patience, care, and true empathy,
Perchance the dark, when shown a gentler way,
May open up and welcome in the day.

Stanza 3

For life itself cannot be cleanly cleft,
In simple shades of black and white alone.
All human souls with both are weft,
Our choices tilt the scale up or down.
So when faced with those who seem so strange,
Pause first, their context rearrange.
Could there be more within their range?   
Approach with care, avoid the fray,  
Seek wisdom ere you turn away.

Stanza 4

This world of ours has ample space for all,
Each unique soul a thread within the whole.
Though some seem large, while others feel so small,
None outweigh the value of a soul.
So walk a mile or more within their shoes,
Before you dare to judge or accuse.
Meet their eyes, recognize their hues,  
Then maybe you shall find your brother,
In those you shunned, but should have loved each other.

Stanza 5

The news may highlight the gruesome plot,  
Of those who hurt and maim without remorse.
Whose cruel deeds know neither bound nor thought,
For innocent blood or lives cut short.
But pay it only half a glance, give not  
Too much attention, time, or thought.
For darkness thrives on fear it wrought,
And makes itself appear more grand.
Shift your gaze to the good at hand.

Stanza 6

Note the simple acts of human care,
The random smiles and doors held open,  
The laughter shared mid-market square,
Small gestures of goodwill, though unspoken.
Single buds pushing through cracks of concrete gray,
Bright drops of color in the urban fray.
Fragile, yet stubborn signs that convey,  
However much the darkness strains,
It cannot fully dim love's flames.

Stanza 7

Do you hear the unfettered giggles rise,
As friends share in a private joke?
Their mirth and merriment are the ties,
That help us bear the darker strokes.  
See too the quick embrace of hand in hand,
The look of pride you understand,
As dreams unfold and plans expand,
Bonds new and old that interlace,
And fill the world with love and grace.

Stanza 8

Hark the eager voice expound with feeling,
On a topic dear unto their heart.
Their fervent soliloquy revealing,
Depths of self we only glimpse in part.
Passion burns so bright within their breath,
Kindling kindred flames that conquer death.
Connecting soul to soul, their fire bequeaths
Heat and light to catalyze and spur,
Further passions, courage, dreams for others.

Stanza 9

Do you spy the blushing cheek that flushes,
When sincerity overcomes their tongue?
As they stutter sweetly in awkward rushes,
Shyly sharing sentiments while young.
Their tender hopes and budding romance,
Are nervous notes within life's dance.
Where each gentle chance and happenstance,
Can make the heart grow fond and warm,
When sheltered safe from storm.

Stanza 10  

Let goodness root in simple pleasures found,
In playful pets that focus on the now.
The present moment where they're curled and bound,
In shaggy contentment on your lap or brow.
No past or future vex their tranquil mind,
Just scratch behind an ear and they're resigned,
To savor this rare moment, undesigned.
Would that we could dwell so carefree,
Immune from darker thoughts that worry.

Stanza 11

Consider too the stalwart trees that grow,
Through city depths where concrete rules.
Their verdant leaves still bud and glow,
Despite the lone and thankless roles,  
To clean the air 'mid car exhaust that reeks,
To soothe our eyes though no one sees,
To shelter winged souls as branches reach,  
Skyward ever upward, come what may,
Guiding our sight to better way.

Stanza 12  

For even in the darkest, bleakest worlds,
Where violence and anger run amok,
Where cynics scoff and critics hurl their barbs,
Where many falter, their faith and dreams unyoked,
There yet persists a flicker of the good,
In rare and unexpected neighborhoods.
Seeking it out makes life worthstood,
So do not weigh yourself down in dismay,
At the darkness that may seem hold sway.  

Stanza 13

Instead, tend the goodness in your care,
Let positivity be your chosen tool,
To carve your path and improve your share,
Of life and world by the Golden Rule.
For that which you feed and nourish, shall endure,
While negative thoughts, they cannot long endure,
When suffocated in a space made pure,
With the light and laughter of human love,
Kindness and compassion from above.

Stanza 14

With gentle words, absolve the wounds of others.
Forgiveness heals both giver and receiver.  
Guide with hope, as sister guides a brother.  
Show the way through storm, be their believer.
Lend a hand to help another up.
Gift compassion to fill their barren cup.  
By small steps, we slowly drain the muck,
And reveal the stony, winding, narrow track,
That leads out from the gloom and back.  

Stanza 15

Toward the waiting warmth of welcoming arms,
The safety of a home filled with devotion.  
Where you belong, safe from worldly harms,  
In the haven woven by bonds of emotion.
Here the dance of life plays out its verse,
Both somber notes and moments that immerse,
In joys unbridled, loves that so immerse,
The blessed soul in seas of bliss profound,
Where the good in life knows no bounds.

Stanza 16

The shadows surely threaten at each turn,
Their icy doubts sap courage, instill fear.
Their harsh whispers, why even try, why burn
Against the dark, when end draws near?
Yet in those timeless moments we share  
With true friends who truly care,
The darkness flees, it cannot bear,
The brilliant glow, as our combined light,
Ignites kindred flames that join and unite.

Stanza 17  

Apart we may falter and start to fall,
But together we scale untrodden summits.
United we stand, divided we stall,
For lone stars pale, muted in limits.
Combined in constellations, bravely we glow,
Puncturing the gloaming shadows below.
Goodness grows the more we sow,
So let us walk hand in hand today,
And light the way that leads in gray.

Stanza 18

With patience peel the crude and callous facade,
Owned by those who gave up somewhere along the way.
Perchance inside, a wounded child abides,
Yearning for redemption come what may.
So reach with heart held open wide,
Meet their pain, see the cause, not just display.
Then heal their hurt, walk by their side,
Back to a place of acceptance and grace,
Where flowers bloom and birdsongs fill the space.

Stanza 19

For life itself cannot be cleanly cleft,  
In simple shades of black and white alone.
All human souls with both are weft,
Our choices tilt the scale up or down.
The task appointed is to ever seek,
The glimmering good, however frail or weak.
Bring it forth into the light, let it peak!
And in time, the dark shrinks away,
Ceding more ground to the growing day.  

Stanza 20

What darkness lurks within the hearts of some,
Their thoughts and deeds we do not understand,
But let us not be quick to cast and shun,
For all have good, if we but stay our hand,
And look beyond the surface traits we see,
To find the light, however frail it be.
With patience, care, and true empathy,
Perchance the dark, when shown a gentler way,
May open up and welcome in the day.

Stanza 21

The weight of worlds unknown pressed deep inside,
Unspoken tales of sorrow left untold,  
In shadows cast we oft ourselves do hide,
Seeking shelter from the raging cold.
Yet even in the darkest, dreariest night,
Some distant stars still glimmer oh so bright,
Their faint but steady glow our only light,
Guiding wanderers who have lost their way,
Kindling hope for the coming day.

Stanza 22

Consider the fragile nestlings in their nest,
Pink, plump, and helpless tufts awaiting food.
Their flapping calls stir the robin's breast,
Who dives through the air on nurturing errand.  
A worm wriggling, life from death, her gift,
Sustenance drawn from nature's thrift.
In such simple scenes hope drifts,
Death but passage to new life aground,
The circle ever turning round.

Stanza 23

Each weary world-worn face was once a babe,
Those eyes that now seem dim, once shone so bright.  
Each calloused heart once pulsed strong and brave,
Where did their faith and dreams take flight?
Our time here brief, make yours sublime,
Cast rays of hope in darkest clime.
Share love before your clock's last chime,
That you may rest one day in balmy grace,
Having lit and lifted this shared space.

Stanza 24

The news may highlight the gruesome plot,
Of those who hurt and maim without remorse.
Whose cruel deeds know neither bound nor thought,
For innocent blood or lives cut short.
But pay it only half a glance, give not
Too much attention, time, or thought.
For darkness thrives on fear it wrought,  
And makes itself appear more grand.
Shift your gaze to the good at hand.

Stanza 25

Do you spy the blushing cheek that flushes,
When sincerity overcomes their tongue?
As they stutter sweetly in awkward rushes,
Shyly sharing sentiments while young.  
Their tender hopes and budding romance,
Are nervous notes within life's dance.
Where each gentle chance and happenstance,
Can make the heart grow fond and warm,
When sheltered safe from storm.

Stanza 26

Hark the eager voice expound with feeling,
On a topic dear unto their heart.  
Their fervent soliloquy revealing,
Depths of self we only glimpse in part.
Passion burns so bright within their breath,
Kindling kindred flames that conquer death.
Connecting soul to soul, their fire bequeaths
Heat and light to catalyze and spur,
Further passions, courage, dreams for others.

Stanza 27

Note the simple acts of human care,
The random smiles and doors held open,
The laughter shared mid-market square,
Small gestures of goodwill, though unspoken.
Single buds pushing through cracks of concrete gray,
Bright drops of color in the urban fray.  
Fragile, yet stubborn signs that convey,
However much the darkness strains,
It cannot fully dim love's flames.

Stanza 28

Let goodness root in simple pleasures found,
In playful pets that focus on the now.
The present moment where they're curled and bound,
In shaggy contentment on your lap or brow.
No past or future vex their tranquil mind,  
Just scratch behind an ear and they're resigned,
To savor this rare moment, undesigned.
Would that we could dwell so carefree,
Immune from darker thoughts that worry.  

Stanza 29

Do you hear the unfettered giggles rise,
As friends share in a private joke?
Their mirth and merriment are the ties,
That help us bear the darker strokes.
See too the quick embrace of hand in hand,
The look of pride you understand,
As dreams unfold and plans expand,
Bonds new and old that interlace,
And fill the world with love and grace.

Stanza 30

Consider too the stalwart trees that grow,
Through city depths where concrete rules.  
Their verdant leaves still bud and glow,
Despite the lone and thankless roles,
To clean the air 'mid car exhaust that reeks,
To soothe our eyes though no one sees,
To shelter winged souls as branches reach,
Skyward ever upward, come what may,
Guiding our sight to better way.

Stanza 31

With gentle words, absolve the wounds of others.
Forgiveness heals both giver and receiver.
Guide with hope, as sister guides a brother.
Show the way through storm, be their believer.
Lend a hand to help another up.  
Gift compassion to fill their barren cup.
By small steps, we slowly drain the muck,
And reveal the stony, winding, narrow track,  
That leads out from the gloom and back.

Stanza 32  

Toward the waiting warmth of welcoming arms,
The safety of a home filled with devotion.
Where you belong, safe from worldly harms,
In the haven woven by bonds of emotion.  
Here the dance of life plays out its verse,
Both somber notes and moments that immerse,
In joys unbridled, loves that so immerse,
The blessed soul in seas of bliss profound,
Where the good in life knows no bounds.

Stanza 33

Instead, tend the goodness in your care,
Let positivity be your chosen tool,
To carve your path and improve your share,
Of life and world by the Golden Rule.
For that which you feed and nourish, shall endure,
While negative thoughts, they cannot long endure,
When suffocated in a space made pure,
With the light and laughter of human love,
Kindness and compassion from above.

Stanza 34

The shadows surely threaten at each turn,
Their icy doubts sap courage, instill fear.  
Their harsh whispers, why even try, why burn
Against the dark, when end draws near?
Yet in those timeless moments we share
With true friends who truly care,
The darkness flees, it cannot bear,
The brilliant glow, as our combined light,
Ignites kindred flames that join and unite.  

Stanza 35

Apart we may falter and start to fall,
But together we scale untrodden summits.
United we stand, divided we stall,  
For lone stars pale, muted in limits.
Combined in constellations, bravely we glow,
Puncturing the gloaming shadows below.
Goodness grows the more we sow,
So let us walk hand in hand today,  
And light the way that leads in gray.

Stanza 36

With patience peel the crude and callous facade,
Owned by those who gave up somewhere along the way.  
Perchance inside, a wounded child abides,
Yearning for redemption come what may.
So reach with heart held open wide,
Meet their pain, see the cause, not just display.
Then heal their hurt, walk by their side,
Back to a place of acceptance and grace,
Where flowers bloom and birdsongs fill the space.

Stanza 37

For even in the darkest, bleakest worlds,
Where violence and anger run amok,
Where cynics scoff and critics hurl their barbs,
Where many falter, their faith and dreams unyoked,  
There yet persists a flicker of the good,
In rare and unexpected neighborhoods.
Seeking it out makes life worthstood,
So do not weigh yourself down in dismay,
At the darkness that may seem hold sway.

Stanza 38

Each weary world-worn face was once a babe,
Those eyes that now seem dim, once shone so bright.
Each calloused heart once pulsed strong and brave,
Where did their faith and dreams take flight?
Our time here brief, make yours sublime,  
Cast rays of hope in darkest clime.
Share love before your clock's last chime,
That you may rest one day in balmy grace,
Having lit and lifted this shared space.

Stanza 39

Consider the fragile nestlings in their nest,  
Pink, plump, and helpless tufts awaiting food.
Their flapping calls stir the robin's breast,
Who dives through the air on nurturing errand.
A worm wriggling, life from death, her gift,
Sustenance drawn from nature's thrift.
In such simple scenes hope drifts,  
Death but passage to new life aground,
The circle ever turning round.

Stanza 40

Goodness grows by the hands that guide and care,
More join in light, diminishing the dark.
With patience, empathy, compassion we share,
Loving and lifting all within our ark.
Lead on, shine bright, make goodness your refrain.
The night must cede, the dawn shall rise again.

About this poem

This poem beautifully explores the interplay between darkness and light in the human experience, emphasizing the importance of seeking goodness, empathy, and compassion. It encourages a nuanced understanding of others, reminding us that every soul carries both shadows and light. The vivid imagery and rhythmic flow convey a powerful message, urging readers to focus on the positive, fostering connections, and collectively illuminating the path towards a brighter, shared future.

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Written on June 18, 2019

Submitted by Mawphniang.Napoleon on November 13, 2023

15:29 min read

Quick analysis:

Scheme Text too long
Closest metre Iambic pentameter
Characters 15,402
Words 3,080
Stanzas 40
Stanza Lengths 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 7

Mawphniang Napoleon

Mawphniang is a person who is always striving to live life to the fullest. He is someone who is always open to new ideas and ways of living and is unafraid to take risks in order to explore the unknown. He is passionate about life and is always looking for ways to make use of his time and energy. He has an inquisitive nature, and is always looking for answers to life's mysteries and questions. Though Mawphniang does not pretend to have all the answers, he is determined to taste life and live a simple life, without overcomplicating things. He's a person who appreciates the small moments and cherishes the little things in life. He enjoys spending time in nature, exploring the world, and connecting with people. He is a person who is always up for a new adventure and never stops learning. He is on a daily journey of self-discovery, trying to make sense of the world and his place in it. more…

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    "Blossoms of Light in Urban Fray" STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 5 Jun 2024. <>.

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