Rzwilling's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by rzwilling  —  There are currently 58 poems total — keep up the great work!

More Than A World

More Than A World

A number of worlds, are revolving around Earth's axis, each in itself a collection of worlds
Two of the more notable life filled arenas, are the world of water, and the world of lands
One is everything in the oceans and seas,...

by Robert Zwilling

added 8 months ago
Doctrines With No Limits

Doctrines With No Limits

Let's not talk about the weather, it's only a storm, used to be no big deal
A plastic raincoat, umbrella, maybe a hat made of cloth, no big deal at all
Falling tree branches, falling trees, puddles too deep, runaway...

by Robert Zwilling

added 1 year ago
Wearing The Mask

Wearing The Mask
Calling all boosters, cheer on the long marchers, the invisible cliff looms high overhead
Evolving all the way, throwing out everything that weighs a body down, mobility is key
Originally part of the invisible pyramid,...

by Robert Zwilling

added 1 year ago
Those Googly Eyes

Those Googly Eyes
Our brains are swimming through billions of digital decisions every analog second
Thousands of orchestras playing at the same time in our minds, calming voices of unity
Black and white portals, clear as day, filled with rattling...

by Robert Zwilling

added 1 year ago
900 Mile An Hour Winds

900 Mile An Hour Winds

Sticking my head out of my cosmic window upon the universe, like a dog riding in a car
Feel the Earth washing away beneath our feet, every second of the day, nights included
Waiting for the nine hundred mile an hour...

by Robert Zwilling

added 1 year ago
Water Fountain Minds

Water Fountain Minds

A device for the control of decorative water flows
Single causes with no exceptions, long roads with no exits
With everything for some, the only way to win, is not to play
Money spent is just another vote of approval

by Robert Zwilling

 1 View
added 1 year ago

Dracornian times are upon us, drinking anything to excess, even plasticized water fills the bill
Newscasters cast in hollywood scripting, oscarzizing news reports to new lows, big ratings
This is heaven, mind over matter, doesn't get...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Invisible Cliffs

Invisible Cliffs
Calling all boosters, cheer on the long marchers, the invisible cliff looms high overhead
Evolving all the way, throwing out everything that weighs a body down, mobility is key
Originally part of the invisible pyramid,...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
The Outlines Of Stars

The Outlines Of Stars
The constellations have many faces, we see many, only know the one
The look is flat, printed on flat paper, from that, flat pictures appear
Looking up at the distant stars, same as staring at them, on flat paper

by Robert Zwilling

 1 View
added 2 years ago
The Politics Of Quantum Mechanics

The Politics Of Quantum Mechanics
Interspecies friendships, considered very unusual, by people who don’t speak animal
How could the prey and the predator ever understand, respect each other’s lives
Mother them, befriend them, so many routes to...

by Robert Zwilling

 1 View
added 2 years ago
Coleridge’s Dream

Coleridge’s Dream

Absolutely everything, in the world that is outside of us, is also inside of us
Including but not limited, to cold fusion, teleportation, quantum computing
Our bodies, so disorganized, wings are upside down and feathers on the...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Speaking Tones

Speaking Tones

In the audible world, many sounds are documents of life, maybe never to be heard again
Speaking tones, moving volumes of air, sounding worlds of meanings, lots of history there
Centuries of masked tensions, mountains of...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
The Game is Over, Itz Time To Reboot

The Game is Over, Itz Time To Reboot

Court of law, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, or used to be, so help us god
The judges lie to get the job, when lies get the job done, the court stands for nothing
Constitution respects slavery,...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Rocks, The Cradles Of Creation, Nourishing Life Times

Rocks, The Cradles Of Creation, Nourishing Life Times

Four score and four billion years ago, our solar system, just a dream
Born from a swirling cosmic dust storm, five trillion miles across
From dust, on to planet size balls of rock, a few...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Square Wheel Apple Carts

Square Wheel Apple Carts

Sure it’s a democracy, respecting leaders who act on whims
Makes one just as crazy, us, responsible for starting new world wars
Strained definitions, flawed decisions, ending a meandering year

Parked on the leading...

by Robert Zwilling

 1 View
added 2 years ago
Pools Of Irrationality

Pools Of Irrationality

Past times, a section of the mind, was devoted to irrational thoughts and visions
Small in size, everyone’s pool of irrationality was pretty much different
One person’s palace, another person’s pile of rubbish, never...

by Robert Zwilling

 1 View
added 2 years ago
Modern Day Nights

Modern Day Nights
What has become of relevance, when did it die an unknown death
Washing machined minds, thoroughly brain washed, rinsed, and dried
The schedule is dying, Palov’s bell belatedly toils, summoning lost souls

We need gloves to...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
How Many Stories Does a Picture Tell

How Many Stories Does a Picture Tell

What could go wrong
Judging a book by its cover
A big business nowadays
Digitally printed so enticing
Covers scream buy this book

Satellites flying over the poles
Always snapping pictures
Year after...

by Robert Zwilling

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added 2 years ago
Chariots On Fire

Chariots On Fire

Physically the idea was designed without consequences
From polarized pictures fogged by judgments
Vision centers drew images far from another time
Sights not normally seen where faces rarely human
Simple embellishments like...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Public Sediment

Public Sediment
All that information falling through the web
From out of the clear sky data rains downward
Websites emails articles blogs movies and songs
Unread messages from the past falling off the screen
Words published once forever saved...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
A Very Old Story

A Very Old Story
A world of words, maybe more, thickly built of aberrant statements, with no sound values
Here we go again, covid time is here again, tapping at our knees, knocking at our doors
Claims of the past, older than the hills, echoing...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Last Suppers

Last Suppers

A few days before Christmas, the merchant quickly eating his favorite shrimp dish
Peering through plastic bead string curtains, spied eating at hurried pace, looks rushed
I often eat last suppers, on the verge of no change, pennies...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Connected to the World

Connected to the World

The matrix is here
Within you already
Biological in nature
No electrical connections
Wired up just the same
A part of the world within you

Only ten percent of us is you
The rest is other creatures
With no relation...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Off Line Brains

Off Line Brains

Connected to the system
Just like the movies
Answers to everything
Tip of your tongue

Hard to come by
An honest day's knowledge
Mined from the rocks
Gliding fingers tapping glass

Hard to come by
Making judgments too...

by Robert Zwilling

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added 2 years ago
Cosmic Clouds

Cosmic Clouds

At night
I look at Pleiades
I see the heaven on earth
With hot and cold running water
Where anyone can appear
Through a rip in time
Billions will come

I dream of cosmic clouds
That place out there
My former spirits rest

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Electric Oracle

Electric Oracle

It started with sounds
Chirping and squawking
Hand signals and pointing
Banging the logs
Pumping out signals
Sending the news

Then for the distance
Legs and feet
Smoke clouds followed
Relays were made
The distances...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago

Once there was time
But no longer
Is time really now
Everything electrified
Like being mummified
Completely mechanized
People running like clocks

They eat before hunger
Drawn by a bell
For some
The pains of hunger
Ring true
Most seem...

by Robert Zwilling

 1 View
added 2 years ago
Perpetual Motion

Perpetual Motion

There is an engine of carbon
A biological machine
The biggest power house ever
On this very planet
Bigger than anything
Even the stuff
Dreams are made of
Running four billion plus years
Best damn example
Of a perpetual...

by Robert Zwilling

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added 2 years ago
Graffiti Splashed On Stone Walls

Graffiti Splashed On Stone Walls

What happens when most powerful men run for prezz of us, can we do what we want
Living each day provides a pathway to the stars, as easy as falling down a tunnel
Money fills patches, solves worthless problems,...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
A Walk In The Park

A Walk In The Park
Walking the land, feet on the ground, head in the starry skies, views openly panoramic
For now, and here, there is only one glide through, frantic non stop flights, only lost times
Inside the cosmically unlimited mind, dwells...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Calling Off Lions

Calling Off Lions

Everyone denying something, list of denials as long as our arms, maybe even legs long
Call the lions, unvaccinated playing Russian roulette, yells vaccinated buffoon deniers
Roman times back, tables turned, the bands played...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Legislating Reality

Legislating Reality

How many days must be lived through, to make it through tomorrow
How many invisible road signs need to be nailed to three trillion missing trees
Antagonists or members of the same party, rewriting news, fake news, so 1984

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Laughing At Corona

Laughing At Corona

No more cold basic facts, new strategy, humor, not so new, but new to the covid awareness side
Make fun of it, spin covid upside down, laugh, laugh, laugh, change states of mind, happy again
All shot up, ready for anything,...

by Robert Zwilling

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added 2 years ago
Response Responsible

Response Responsible

It's not behavior that counts, as that happens anytime anywhere, that's not me
They always say that, happened so fast, there was no time for control, whoops
What does count is the response, and that's not really behavior,...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Glass Floors

Glass Floors

Talk about glass ceilings, those are floors, seen from above, stranger still the lies below
Two people speaking different languages, thinking the other person just doesn't know
Tower of Babel, not what's thought, it's about...

by Robert Zwilling

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added 2 years ago
Separating People From Their Money Without Guns

Separating People From Their Money Without Guns

We are ruled by whims and dreams of college dropouts, whose works, F grade failures
Would never get passing grades, if subjected to real school grading, instead of trending
Millions of medical...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
50 Shades Of Covid

Instructs the host, on how to kill off predecessors, smartly wiping out the competition
People mistakenly thinking, we did that ourselves, cheers all around, for nothing
Cycle after cycle, it wanes and zooms, up and down, each time coming back for...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
And Nothing But World

And Nothing But World
There are twelve visions of the world, twelve worlds revolving around the same axis, all as one
To see the whole world, and nothing but the world, you have to see all twelve worlds at the same time
A daunting feat, maybe...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Life Boat Life

Life Boat Life
Self driving vehicles, promising dreamy clean futures, all powered by dirty smoking power plants
Poetry on the wall, tacked up everywhere, poem after poem, all stuck on the walls, piling up thick
Phones cost what cars once cost,...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Who Will Stop The Rain

Who Will Stop The Rain
Greatest floods coming, coming soon enough, of that there is no doubt, no doubt at all
Ice needed to be melted, to make all the water to cover the world, and we did it, melted the ice
Put an ice cube on a hot stove that is...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Third World Everywhere

Third World Everywhere

Congratulations, now we know where we are, in the smoke and dust and empty shelves, life restarts
How could what has happened, actually be happening, seems so out of place, not in our backyards
Stores haphazardly stocked,...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Advertising Without Purpose

Advertising Without Purpose

Public relations spinning best tales, carefully curated industrial crap
Frame facts, framing carefully selected facts, framing, framing, framing
Who first invented fake news, no one asks, why not, such good...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Publicize Failures

Publicize Failures

Interactions between us and the world, nothing seen, things still happen
Nothing seen, but we all assume that nothing happened, silence is golden
Not telling one or another what went wrong, did not go so good, a bad idea


by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Privileged Sleep

Privileged Sleep

We practice privileged life in our sleep, waking we deny it, we don’t need it

Back to dreamland every night, not just once again, but repeatingly repetitious

Safe, secure, so long as it’s not a tall storied building,...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Invest In Our ProNoun Future

Invest In Our ProNoun Future

Thin skin power is back, sucking in waves of money, only product promises

Invest in our future, buy our dreams, dream you can afford our sour dreams

Working as a group, the feedback of success is smiled on,...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Falling Through Blue Skies

Falling Through Blue Skies

A bunch of drinking angels sitting at a bar, no longer paying attention, laughing

Business was never better, humans having turned sweet Earth Heaven, into hot times hell

Though we shall miss the ice that kept...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Covid Lapping At My Bones

Covid Lapping At My Bones

Crowning covid, taking bites, as it washes, wanders, to and fro
Up and down, tides of life, ebbing, every other month, naturally peaking
Minding its own businesses, over running tired human environments


by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Gods Walk Amongst Us

Gods Walk Amongst Us

People talk, debate, about the rise and fall of the currently occupied civilized world
Carried on the shoulders of personal beliefs that are as solid as wooden nickels
Rome and Caesar, Alexandria and Alexander, old and new...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
The Big Joke

The Big Joke

Four hundred jet planes, private charters, smoking to Scotland, lots of hot air
Talking climate change, as if it was some big discovery, just open any window
Offering tidbits, chump change, nickels, dimes, ten percent of what's...

by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago
Gods Live In The Trees

Gods Live In The Trees

Before people started clearing all lands of trees, in the way they were
Six trillion trees, there were, before they were declared a nuisance
Shaded a great deal of Earth, kept lands cool, the dirt and rivers in place


by Robert Zwilling

added 2 years ago

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