Alanswansea18's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by alanswansea18  —  There are currently 321 poems total — keep up the great work!

The clouds you walk on.

You walk on clouds. 

I can see the bright gold and silver lights, the blue and dim, and the dark of the night. I would spread the clouds under your feet so you can find what you seek. But I, being poor, have only my dreams under your feet. So...

by A J C

added 3 hours ago
Stars of solitude.

Stars of solitude. 

As I look up at the stars that shine, and as I walk, they twinkle in the sky. 10,000 I saw at a glance, tossing their heads in a sparkling dance. The waves beside them dancing in Glee. But I gave little thought to the wealth...

by A J C

added 6 hours ago
I have a name too.

I have a name too. I do not come with a label or a word. I am not the derogatory term you heard. I'm a who the same as you. Do you have a name? Well, I do too. I, too, have a mind, a heart, and a personality. I could be him or her, and he or she....

by A J C

added 19 hours ago
The old farmhouse on the hill.

Strolling through the green fields, I spotted an ancient farmhouse. Intrigued, I ventured inside, running my hands along the worn walls and creaky floorboards. Peering out the window, I witnessed a storm brewing in the sky. Despite the impending...

by A J C

added 1 day ago
The echoes of two hearts beating.

The echoes of two hearts beating. 

You are so beautiful, not like a flower or tree. Much prettier than that, and only I can see. Your love and caring right down to the core. I can feel your happiness, and so much more, your eyes are stunning, and...

by A J C

added 2 days ago
Two worlds collide.

Two worlds collide. 

There are two skies, so serene and fair. And two suns shines where the darkness is there. Forget about faded forests and the silent fields, and in my little forest, the leaves are forever. Green and I have a brighter garden...

by A J C

added 3 days ago
The dreams of pain and scars.

Dreams of pain and scars.

Dreams of pain and scars fill your mind. I hear the shatter of glass followed by silence. I discover your hidden secrets in the corners, where you keep your concealed dreams. As I look up at the sky, secrets are revealed...

by A J C

added 6 days ago
The Friday nights with you.

The Friday nights with you. 

The special Friday nights I spent with you. Your sparkling eyes and pretty smile. They only lasted for a little while. So we go ahead and play the game. We walk the miles in the rain. But for a pretty girl like you,...

by A J C

added 6 days ago
The tear drops I cry.

The teardrops I cry. 

If I gave you all my teardrops, would you collect them like the rain and keep them in a jar? Would the label say pain? My smile hides the tracks of my tears that run from my eyes to my cheeks; they all tell a story, that I...

by A J C

added 6 days ago
I can climb mountains.

I can climb mountains. 

Who is disabled—is it you or me, or is it based on what you can do? I can climb up mountains and soar through the sky. I can slay dragons in one blink of an eye. And overcome barriers against impossible odds. So who is...

by A J C

added 8 days ago
The echoes of your heartbeat.

The echoes of my heart. 

As I lay my head upon your chest. I can hear the echoes of your heartbeat; it puts me to rest. Like the robin sits in her nest and sings all day long. My love for you is very strong. I can hear it raining; the great...

by A J C

added 8 days ago
When you are gone.

In your absence, I witness a rose weeping. Tiny tears cascade from its petals, reflecting the sunlight like shimmering rainbows. Amidst the beauty and sorrow that emanate from its thorns, unseen and unknown to others, I perceive the darkness in your...

by A J C

added 8 days ago
My wish to you.

I may be different. 

This is my wish to you. Find comfort on the difficult days. Smile when sadness is true and rainbows follow the clouds; laughter to kiss your lips; sunsets to warm your heart; hugs when spirits sag; beauty for your eyes to...

by A J C

added 9 days ago
She sleeps as I weep,

She sleeps, and I weep.

Walk lightly; she is here under the snow; speak softly; she can hear the daisies grow. Her bright golden hair tarnished with rust; she was once young and beautiful. Now she has fallen to dust. Like the white snow. She was...

by A J C

added 10 days ago
Faith and hope.

Faith and hope. 

I hope you find someone who will treat you right through the darkest night. Just someone who cares and loves you and won't let you out of his sight. Someone to hold your hand, give you a kiss, hold you tight, and tell you good...

by A J C

added 10 days ago
The long journey.

The journey begins as you delve into the depths of your mind, clearing away cobwebs and shedding the pain and sorrow that linger. Now, as clarity sets in, what do you see? It is me, sitting before you, longing for your smile. I have been here...

by A J C

added 11 days ago
The tide may rise and fall.

The ebb and flow of the tide rises and falls. The twilight darkens, and the call of the curlew can be heard as the sea laps against the damp, brown sands. The traveler Hasten for the town and can see the darkness settle over the town's rooftops and...

by A J C

added 12 days ago
The sea of green.

Green fields lie before me, stretching out as far as the eye can see. A farm stands in the distance, with cows peacefully grazing in the pasture. The beauty of the countryside fills my heart with joy and peace, bringing me serenity and solitude....

by A J C

added 13 days ago
Till the end of time.

I have lingering feelings never fade away, overwhelming emotions that come what may. Vibrant and strong, for a long, long time, endless devotion, a love pure and prime. Until the church bells chime, I will always have you by my side. Till my heart...

by A J C

added 13 days ago
My angel.

There, you stand, in your clothes that are brighter than snow. But how can that be? You died a decade ago. But your eyes still shine like the moon, in the sky. All I can do is sit and cry. You came by to say hi. Can you please stay with me for a...

by A J C

added 14 days ago
Two friends meet as one.

Two friends meet as one. 

To my good friend, and that is the one thing we both agree on. I'm always here for you and you for me. I know all your hidden secrets, dreams, and hopes. We hold each other tight on life's slippery slopes. I might not...

by A J C

added 14 days ago
The secret scrolls.

The secret scrolls. 

It was your sunny smile. You do a lot of giving. But in the light of the mornings, you scattered the night and made the day worth living. You keep me warm, in all the winter storm's, how can that ever be wrong? When I grow...

by A J C

added 15 days ago
The sand in The hourglass.

The sand in the hourglass.

I can remember your beauty being like one I have never seen. You had golden hair with pretty blue eyes and ruby red lips; all come with pride and fame, silver and gold, yet I look at you now and you are getting old....

by A J C

added 16 days ago
The lost souls at sea.

The lost souls and shadows. 

Why do I cry? I don't know why. My tears come from a sadness making their way into my eyes. I look at the joyful golden daffodils, and it brings me back to the past. These tears are like the first sunbeam hitting a...

by A J C

added 17 days ago
The locked door.

All depression brings is pain and sorrows, and only you have the key to open that door and find tomorrow.

If given the choice, which would you prefer: to be insane or to experience depression, pain, and sorrow? The insane person always thinks he...

by A J C

added 17 days ago
The oak tree and me.

The oak tree and me. 

If you could ask an oak tree what it has seen, what would it be? I saw men with feathers on their heads with bows and arrows. I saw men cooking and rolling their barrels. I saw little log cabins with their candles glowing. I...

by A J C

added 18 days ago
The field of poppies,

The field of poppies. 

We go to the field, where the poppies blow, I can smell their scent in a row between crosses. But it marks a spot, and I can see in the sky that the larks are still singing and flying by. Then I look into your lovely blue...

by A J C

added 19 days ago
The small glass bottle.

The glass bottle. 

When I was a child and did not know anything, life was easy and, I would sing and, all things were new. Late at night, my mom would hold me tight and give me a kiss goodnight. Then she would put me to bed. The phone would ring...

by A J C

added 20 days ago
The two cats at my door.

The cats are scratching at my door.

I had two cats, and I think they were friends. One was fluffy, and the other was gray. They would groom each other, then they would play. But when one died, she was gone. Things in life do go wrong. The other...

by A J C

added 20 days ago
Move the queen to square.

Move the queen to square.

You know the game and all the rules; if you move the queen, you will lose. So you move the king and lose the ring. But the pawn gives you a smile, but it's only for a little while. The knight you have him in your sights....

by A J C

added 21 days ago
The whisper in the wind.

The whisper in the wind.

I couldn't go to school or play outside; all the other boys passed our way. Then my mother said to climb into my lap and take a little nap. I only napped for an hour or so, my long legs dragging on the floor. It was late...

by A J C

added 22 days ago
The country fair.

The country fair.

It's so noisy at the fair, but all my friends are here. There's a girl down the aisle; she turns to me and smiles. As I find her hidden note, I can hear the word she wrote. So we go under the stairs, and she gives me a glare. We...

by A J C

added 22 days ago
The fancy words you speak.

The fancy words you speak. 

 I do not care if your poems are right or wrong or if one of the commas is gone. I'm sick of hearing that love is only a word and all I see are paper rings and things. I want to hear you sing it doesn't matter if it's...

by A J C

added 25 days ago
The past fades are love will never change.

The past fades, are love won't change.

I don't really know you; you were just another friend. But I did get to know you, and I ask my heart why. All the memories make me cry. I will forget my first love and give you a try. I'm in love with you,...

by A J C

added 26 days ago
The first snowflake of Christmas Eve.

My first snowflake. 

As the first snowflakes falls, I see an endless beauty of white. I can see the magic skating on the frozen lake or sticking out my tongue to catch the falling flake. The forest floor is frozen, and it's freezing. The trees...

by A J C

added 26 days ago
You hold my heart in your hands.

My heart is in your hand.

You hold my heart in the palm of your lovely hands. You don't see it because you don't understand. I cry every night, knowing that when I wake up, you will not be by my side, but in my mind, I have to run and hide. The...

by A J C

added 26 days ago
The dagger you put into my heart.

The dagger you put into my heart.

I loved you for many years yet with your dagger, you stabbed me in the heart, ripping it apart. The words you speak cut me deep. You stole all my emotions, making me weak. In the mirror, I look and can see the...

by A J C

added 27 days ago
The lonely man of 65.

A lonely man like me of 65. 

At 65, I learned the truth: the Friday night charades with you and the beauty queens with clear skin smiles only make me sit for a while. The knock on the door that never comes, and the girls with names I can't...

by A J C

added 28 days ago
The oak tree and little boy.

The oak tree and the little boy.

I sat down and spoke to the oak tree. We were young and green. We talked about growing things, the wind, water, and weather. As I grew older, the oak tree grew so high. Now it spoke of newer things: the clouds,...

by A J C

added 28 days ago
A stream of glass.

The stream of glass. 

I see dreams of you and your blue eyes too, and streams of glass. This cannot last. Then I see a ring of gold that can't be sold and daffodils on a lilac hill. I think to myself, I will give her a whirl! I see your golden...

by A J C

added 28 days ago
Chains of pain and sorrow.

Chains of pain and sorrow.

The love we have will never leave. I have no tricks up my sleeve. Love brings back old memories and pleasure, but I want you to be my wife forever. We will break the chains that hold all your pain and sorrows and create...

by A J C

added 28 days ago
We must choose a path.

We must choose our path.

This world is just a place to stop. It's only a resting place before we reach eternity. We must choose our journey, and every path we take is different along the way. We're all here to learn, but we're never meant to...

by A J C

added 29 days ago
I can hear the drums beating.

I hear the drums beating. 

Show me not your mournful life; it's all one empty dream. The soul is dead and slumbers. Everything is not what it seems. Your life is real, and the grave is not the goal. You return to the dust, and the grave becomes a...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The pain in your eyes you cannot hide.

You can't hide the pain in your eyes.

If I could live life over again, all the happy moments you have given me through the thoughts of pain may linger. The one thing I do know is that our love will never die. It will always come to mind every...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The whispering of the trees.

The whispering of the trees. 

One more night, I tried, but could not go to sleep. All the thoughts flooding into my head are pushing me down and sinking me deep. So I woke up and had to leave. The pain was strong and streaming down my face, so I...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The flicker of a flame

The flicker of a flame.

The fear in me was growing stronger. I know you belong to me and no other. Somehow, everything was lost and forgotten in the shadows of the past. I lost you for lust, that was the reason, and now I lay here crying for you...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The one empty pillow.

There is one empty pillow.

When you left, I could see the things you had scattered around the room. Frames of your father and black tank tops you used to wear—you said we would be together forever, and in some ways, you were right. But I still...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The troubles and strife of my life.

The trouble and strife of my life. 

My dear, you are the love of my life. I just want you to know that every day I'm struggling and dealing with strife. But to you is always where I go. I can see the trouble looming, and my problems draw near. I...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
Why do you look the other way?

Why do you look the other way?

Why do you look at me with your eyes closed? Don't you want to see my soul? I'm different from you in so many ways, but you still take the time to judge me anyway. Every cloud that floats by is different in its own...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The pain in your eyes.

The pain in your eyes.

Your eyes show a soft glow, yet your pain, I can see a shadow. Your heart whispers, but it's unheard. I can feel the gentle touch and your warm smile, yet I can hear your silent scream that hangs in the air under the moon's...

by A J C

added 1 month ago

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