Analysis of The Dying Summer

The Dying Summer

There is a sense of haste wherever you see,

Turn your eyes away from the summer flower and you see the busy bee,

She is buzzing from one flower to another,

And one wonders if she is seeking her lover or her insensitive tormenter,

But whatever it maybe she is there and the summer is here,

For now she has nothing to fear,

She can bear her flights of freedom,

And inspect her fiefdom,

But how long, how long,

Shall this bee to the summer bliss belong?

I can see the summer rose blooming in its prime,

Though it blooms a little earlier than its usual time,

And the bee that is still caught in the winter spell,

Her slow flapping of wings does something about her unease tell,

Awoken a little too soon,

As if the daybreak were not greeted by the Sun, but by the Moon,

What is this change she wonders,

But eventually to the urge to survive she surrenders,

And lets go her curiosity to know why it is so,

She flaps her wings and hither and thither she does go,

Finally she finds a flower to romance,

To harvest its pollen and take every chance,

To prepare for another winter and be worry free,

Ah, but she is the bee, who may appear worry free, but she is never free,

But today she acted a bit strangely,

She pondered on something pensively,

Then she ceased flapping her wings,

Examined her legs bearing the golden pollen rings,

She looked around the summer garden,

The sun was there; the flower was there too, yet the sight did sadden,

The little pensive bee,

As I wondered what the reason could be,

For the little bee to be sad,

Although her legs were completely in the gold pollen dust clad,

She flapped her wings again but in a rhythm that was awkwardly different,

And the flower danced a bit and now it seemed less indifferent,

And with every flapping of her each wing,

The flower danced and the breeze for them did sing,

A song only the flower and the bee could understand,

While I, in the summer garden, beside them, in complete silence did stand,

Then as if they sensed my presence,

They somehow communicated with my inner and never used sense,

Where all native instincts of life reside,

There the bee and the flower addressed me and they no more tried to hide,

And they said,

“You see this summer garden where beauty its last prayers had said,

This is where the flower lives and I visit him every summer,

And I retire to my honeycomb by mid November,

The flower offers me pollen and I offer it my loving hugs,

We both hear the train that over those hills patiently chugs,

I tell the flower tales of the train,

Few happy ones and few of disdain,

But you see, this summer the train chugged across the hills,

But the air in those hills resonates with mysterious shrills,

The pine trees have fallen and many lie naked,

It was not so few years ago, but this year the forest looks strange and the railway track looks crooked,

The air is filled with smoke,

We both feel we will choke,

And look at this summer garden in its bloom,

But do you notice wilting flowers, dropping carnations, and the view of gloom,

The garden was visited by summer beauty sooner than expected,

And you know me, to scents and beauty I get easily attracted,

So I had to wake up from my incomplete dream and from my incomplete sleep,

And as from my winter slumber into the summer light I did leap,

I realised something was not right,

There was something odd about the summer and its light,

As if summer had visited the place to soon,

Although it was early morning it felt hotter than the noon,

And as I flapped my winter weary wings,

And I tested the potency of my stings,

My wings too felt the same,

It was summer indeed but it did not feel the same,

Summer was here with flowers everywhere,

But many had wilted and many were blooming too early,

Even the willow branches had turned absolutely curly,

Which should not be,

Because the curling willows are not for a just awoken bee to see,

The river water was gushing like before,

But it did not feel cool and pleasant anymore,

And ah these butterflies seemed flying in a drunken state,

The summer heat had tricked them and they had been lured by the bait,

They had appeared from their cocoons prematurely,

And the flower confessed this to them peremptorily,

And they danced in the sky and fell to the ground,

Each butterfly was now gravity bound,

Weak and feeble due to the early advent of summer,

The tender breeze that would lull them, today seemed to be hitting them with a hammer,

And do you see that pink rose at the corner?

It looks drowsy, less radiant, wearing a look of a mourner,

It too has bloomed when it was not supposed to,

And I wonder where is the thrush and what became of the one to whom it used to sing to,

The nature’s clock has turned awry,

Don’t you think so, you too bear a look of worry,

Who is to blame for this?

And how long will it be so, can you please tell us this?”

I filled a deep breath,

And then I quoth,

“ Your worries are real and well founded,

Man and Woman have indeed confounded,

The tick tock rhythm of the nature’s clock,

I felt it the moment I looked at the hill, that now looks like a sun parched rock,

And the river’s flow no more bears the green shadow of the pine trees,

The prematurely blooming flowers look like desperate pleas,

To save the nature that sustains us all,

And to dismantle this rising and insensitive wall,

That is separating man and woman from its surroundings,

As they lie locked inside their high rise concrete buildings,

Where they feel nearer to the stars,

But far away and distant from reality’s wars,

Fought in the corridors of human life,

Where everything that cuts does not have to be a knife,

Just like you and the flower,

Being denied the right to feel like a lover,

In the mid summer joy,

That today lies trampled under the feet of careless and a wanton boy,

Whose name is Global warming and Climate change,

And you have been caught in their range,

The sun shines hotter and the clouds burst too often,

The cotton flowers no longer in the palm float and soften,

They seem heavier and paler than before,

The morning sun does not bear the soft warmth anymore,

Flowers wilt before they can be kissed by the breeze,

That flows in enraged bursts as if it had forgotten to ease,

A tormented soul seeking some respite,

From the afternoon sun and from the suffocating humid night,

The breeze does not feel cool,

It feels like Sahara heat trapped in sheep wool,

Firing out at will from those curly openings,

And it all looks as if nature has been cursed to abandon its free spirited dancings,

Its typical breezy prancing through the hills and meadows,

Everything that you look at looks like the grief of million widows,

The grass blades with their tips yellow,

Curse the heat of the sun that once was their dearest and darling fellow,

But they know not, it is not the sun that is to blame,

For it is just the nature’s humble flame,

Burning its soul every day and night,

To spread life through its light,

But with human development having taken few wrong turns,

You look around the Earth today, and you see everything burns,

With holy fire that has taken a vow to burn us all,

And it is so because of this rising wall,

Against which all your pleas of rescue get smashed,

And at the base of the wall million hopes and million dreams lie crashed,

I call it the crash site of hopes and dreams,

Where every flower, ever willow tree lies in agony, and screams,

"Why is the summer hot why has it arrived early?"

And they moan in pain and so dearly,

As the mountain of rejected pleas, crashed hopes, and dreams grows bigger,

All of them stare at humanity like curses compounded together,

And with summer arriving on the train of haste,

Universe looks at Earth lying in complete waste,

Of all hopes, of every achievement, and every resource of good taste,

It is a barren place,

Where there is no trail of grace,

And at the crash site of all natures pleas,

The star born beings summon under the shadows of naked pine trees,

Look there, do you see anything?

They are here to settle scores with man and woman alike,

And this is what the builders of this wall dislike,

It is time for all men and women to act,

They line up on both sides of the wall to draft the new pact,

And let me assure you, I will be on your side always,

For I love the summer flowers, the bee and the butterflies' endearing ways,

Now let me part and join the line that lies on our side of the wall,

Where you, me and many others shall stand as giants tall.”

With this the bee hovered over the summer flower and left the scene,

To join me and represent the flower and every Summer scene,

At the wall where all hopes and desires piled like a stack of shame,

And we waged our war against those on the other side of the wall to make them realise their acts of shame,

And so, the wall bears a name,

“Let us save the Earth and rekindle the hope of good times and ignite the goodness’s flame!”

Many years have passed, the bee died long ago,

To this wall to raise my protest I still go, but in this tussle of human greed and ego,

Whoever wins it is the summer and the summer bounties that shall be lost,

And often at the wall when I am weary, I wonder at what cost, at what cost?

Are we losing every moment of grace?

And at what an incredible pace,

We are allowing the wall to grow taller,

As the summer in 2023 turns hotter and the summer flowers look a lot paler,

But my protest continues and it shall be so till the end,

For I believe someone with the golden heart will carry it further for me, when my life’s road no longer takes a turn or does not anymore bend!

Until then let me visit the wall and think of that bee,

For her shadows I often in my dreams see,

Where she often asks me,

“What became of the summer flower and what became of me?

Do you know?

And in shame I bow my head,

While she collides against the wall again and again to lie there at the crash site of hopes and desires, herself dead!

Now I do not sleep anymore,

For whenever I close my eyes, she flies by my side and says, “you did ignore, you did ignore,

All our pleas and all our requests,

In our absence, it is worthless, every human quest,"

But no one on the other side of the wall seems to care,

And those on this side of the wall are unwilling to accept the dare,

So the curse of the bee hangs over us all,

And this may be humanity’s ultimate fall!

Then all that will be left will be just this wall,

No summer joys, no hills with prancing breeze, only the wall shall stand mighty and tall!

And in the hall of fame,

Humans shall erect a statue to honour the bee and make excuses lame,

That it is nature's fury that nobody can tame,

So let the Earth burn, let the flowers wilt, let the summer arrive soon, let the bees die, for it is nature not us who is to blame,

And with this final and utterly irresponsible claim,

In the hall of humanity's fame, shall echo just one voice, "shame, shame, shame!"

Scheme Text too long
Poetic Form
Metre 01010 11011101011 111011010100110101 111011101010 0110111100101001001 110110111001011 11111011 11101110 001010 11111 1111010101 111010110011 111010100111001 001111100101 011011110010011 101011 110101101011101 1111110 1010001011011010 01100100111111 110101001111 10011010101 110110011001 10110101001101 1111011101101111101 1011100110 1101101 1111001 0100110010101 110101010 0111010111101110 010101 1110101011 10101111 10100100011011 1101011001011100100 001010101111010 01100101011 01010011111 0110010001101 110010100110011011 11111110 110100111001011 1110101101 10100100110111111 011 111101011011111 11101010110110010 0101111011010 01010110011011101 11101110111001 110101101 110101101 1111100110101 10101110101001 011110010110 11111101111010110011110 011111 111111 01111010011 1111010101001000111 010110011010101010 01111101011100010 1111111100110110011 01111010010101111 1110111 1110101010011 111011000111 11110101110101 0111110101 01100100111 111101 1110011111101 101111010 110110010010110 1001101101010 1111 010101111011111 01010110101 11111101001 0111011000101 010111101111101 11011101010 0010011111 01100101101 110111001 1010110101110 01011111011111011010 01111111010 1110110010011010 11111111011 0110110101011011111111 01011101 111111101110 111111 0111111111111 11011 0111 110110110 1010101010 0111010101 1110101110111110111 001011110111011 0010101011101 1101010111 01010110001001 11100101011010 1111011110110 11110101 1101010111 1001001101 110111111101 1110010 100101111010 001101 101110100111000101 11110100101 01111011 011100011110 010101100011010 1110001101 010111101101 101011111101 110011111101011 010110110 10011010100101 011111 11101011011 101111110100 011111101111010111001 1100101010101 101111110111010 01111110 10110111111001010 1111111011111 1111010101 1011100101 111111 111001001010111 11010101011101 110101110011111 01110111101 01111111011 0101101101010111 1110111101 11001010111010001 1101011110110 011010110 1010101011101110 111110100110010010 011001010111 10111100011 1111100010010010111 110101 1111111 0101111101 0111010100111011 1111110 11111011101001 011101011101 11111101011 11111110111011 0110111111111 111010100100100101 11110101111101101 11101010111101 11011010010100101 1110010100100101 1011110010110111 0111010111010110111111111 0101101 11101001001111001011 10111011101 1111111111101101101010 0101110100010101111 01010111110110111111 11101001011 011101001 11010011110 101001100010101011 11101001111101 1101110101110110111111110101111011 01111100101111 1011100111 111011 101101010010111 111 0011111 11010101010011111011110010011 1111101 10101111111110111011101 1101011001 010101110100101 11110101101111 01111101101010101 10110111011 011111001 11111111111 11011111011001111001 000111 10101011101010101 11110101111 11011101011010011101111110111111 011100100001001 001101001110111111
Closest metre Iambic heptameter
Characters 11,081
Words 2,478
Sentences 18
Stanzas 205
Stanza Lengths 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Lines Amount 205
Letters per line (avg) 41
Words per line (avg) 10
Letters per stanza (avg) 41
Words per stanza (avg) 10

About this poem

This poem is about the plight of Earth in the midst of Global Warming and Climate Change. In this poem a bee along with a flower, are in conversation with a human, explaining their hardships and their worries about the future. Eventually the bee dies due to pollution, while the human, pledges to fight against Global Warming and Climate Change. If to nobody at all, the human feels it is something he owes to the bee and the flower.

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Written on July 28, 2023

Submitted by javidaiw99 on July 28, 2023

12:24 min read

Javid Ahmad Tak

I have been writing poems for several years now. And my passion for poetry goes back to my school days, when I encountered Wordsworth's famous poem Daffodils, and I instantly fell in love with it, and the poet in me woke up. Since then I have been experiencing a wakeful poetic bliss! more…

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