HeatherLydiaThornhill's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by HeatherLydiaThornhill  —  There are currently 512 poems total — keep up the great work!

The feeling you give.

Gentle was the night you held me in
A face hidden in the stars like life began
Floating mind and body purified
I would not mind if I had died
If I could feel it with my mind
I'd turn the stars before you
And stir the water like air
That you...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Purpose X
X Mystery
Lost mind X_____________
X Crumpled Bibles
Hushed X
X Crown________________
I am X
X Look up
Faith X

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Right fit.

H Archangel * E
s E Carnelion Hurshiel A
A Enoch Mathew V
V Elijah Haniel E
t E Yeshua* Jacob N
N Gabriel God E
E Amethist Azriel V
V Raphael Mark A
e A Sandlefon Fly E
E Zadkiel Mary H

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Legion of Father Mother God

Hand of the humane
Light of the pure
Heavens legion
Gods adored
Sent down with messengers
To ring in mans ears
Shed of our worries
Free us from fears
Raise us to glory
Let knowledge astound
Naive no longer
Yet children abound
Open your...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Love of the eternal saviour

Outstretch your wings of love and let your light sour with me through a sky of living light.
Allow my heart to beat in your rhythm.
Let this start your devine worship in me that never ends its penance of praise in all your glory.
Turn this mere...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Arms of God.

God. I love you.

For in your arms I am freed oh Father.
In your breath I am eased.
With your soul I am pure as the lamb.
On your world I am in heaven.
As your creations love glows around me.
And the sun rays radiating essence of your...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
In me.

This barrel rolls but the mount is great.
As the crow calls I think about my fate.
Orange flowers greet me at the gate
but my house is silent without an inmate.
Church bells slowly ring their tears and
I'm back here after all these years.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
I like her

She carries a sweetness I've never seen
And sees things with a heavenly sheen
Her battles seem as innocent as kisses
so I wonder who she really misses
She loves like a cuddly teddy bear in a bed
It's so lovely what goes on in her head
And its...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Hunters moon

The Hunters moon came a day early.
I caught its giant eye on full display.
As I lay sleepy in the wake of a holy day.
A day of confessions and reconciliation.
A day my son gained true affiliation.
His shirt was black and his jumper grey but his...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

What are we now?
A golden sow?
God's 'current' doing?
Heaven in the making?
Words are millions of years - changed.
Yet thoughts can come across deranged.
Do we even make sense?
Or is it all pre/post - nonsense?
Are we a neglected art?
Or is...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

I listen to the dripping water sooth my heart,
as alarms start on out of time watches that make their move an hour too late,
Frates roar past in barrier cracking surges then get swallowed by the wind.
My foot strokes its twin in time...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

K then.
Here it is.
The improved me.
As I sneeze uncontrollably.
My mind remains expanded.
And tears drain silent pain from my eyes.
But faith taps at mountains of knowledge.
Underneath there are caverns of ice.
They slowly drip into the...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
What of it?

Shoals cross my mind.
I try connecting to bliss.
What's this sadness I'm feeling?
Changes procrastinate and hiss.
I'll wait for them to carry me with them.
Into their watery abyss
And disintegrate into the slow rush.
Down they'll push me,...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Oh Angel in the dark

Oh Angel in the dark
Light me on my way
For sleep is not enough
To sooth me, so I say
This night pray let me pass
Unto the golden rhelm
Where I am too a king
So take up this fresh helm
To skies a lit with blessings
That light up thy devine ...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The Reader

Humanity stands at a precipice of expectation.
Pre-daydream and pre-reflection.
A time when good things start to happen as they begin their inspection.
Inquisitions made they have their inner conclusions to face.
Then the solution post haste.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Chaos of mind.

((Trauma. Where am I?" + Thump. - Titan. ° + ° Trickster. (( - ° Turbulent.~
Tighter. ` + Terror. ` - Tried.))
+ Twilight. - (( Tease. °Im somewhere¢ °))

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
I died a little bit

Blue lights shon on you like wings of water
As you rose like the tide and forgot a while about the little things
Pretty lines drew happiness on your face
Intriguing my heart and mind to trace them
How do I follow you this new way
You have shown...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Glimmering hands

The candle glimmered.
Its life was short but its flame spread to many others.
I understand why you got burnt and even expected it. How life can be a little cruel. Sometimes you druel for too long and it douses out the light.
To love too much can...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Cool waters~~~~~
Powdered stars * * * *
* * * *
* *
Satin coverings )( )(
)( )( )(

 )( )(
Velvet strokes % %
% % % %
% %
True loves kisses}{ }{
}{ }{ }{ }{
}{ }{
Men as...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Berries flourish like diamonds on royal wedding dresses, like white angels awakening to those they will bless, swaying footsteps delicately across the stars
Thoughts cast new spells on humanity for hope, safety, world peace and prosperity.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

As delicate as a hair
That falls on your face
A broken heart
Turned into wings of grace
An invite to the lord
Sent out to many
A gift from a God
As sublime as a new Penny
Fingers like tiny pillows
You rest your sweet body
And float on a...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Taste of you

A taste of you upon my lips after we kiss
I wipe away with hands boney and used
The taste is turned into a memory I miss
I call it back to me when I feel confused
Sometimes I eat familiar strawberries
Often seeing them where you worked

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Open air

Your softer than light
A dream of insight
A life almost lived
Your time almost given
Believe in the heart
People have brought
back to your life
No longer the fight
Open air
Open air open air
Without a care
You share and you dare
To fly...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
You are the fruit

Sand is in your heart and you are whole but as a beach of stars shine from your soul
I adore you more than any jewel
You are fascinating and anything I hear from you is a prayer kept of your life
Through my strife afraid to walk your sands

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Delivery of life

I heard the postman sneaking into my garden again
His mail was boring as usual my friend
but he brings a bit of life to the sceen you know
He carries these gifts often and then has to go
Never getting to see the people opening them
Some are...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

I looked at the horizon as it opened its secret.
Your eyes were inside smiling at me.
I knew I loved you like I knew the sun.
And you loved me too, at least on day one.
Our eyes locked and our horizons were set
Its been 16 years since we laid...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
There'll always be a star in the sky

Though the clouds rise higher than the eye
And sometimes you pick up on the lie
As the faces aren't soothed as you pass them by
Or the perfect children you hold start to cry
The TV breaks and you don't know why
The best calls you get are when...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Dilemma of an Angel.

A greying baby or a billion lives.
Could you watch while a baby dies?
A ripple effect or a ripple affect?
Death on demand or Life from compassion
Compassion for angels desire to save or compassion for a humans desire to live or die?

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

They say dreams can predict the future
and can be lucid and movable
They say déjà vu means your job will change
They say death is painful but usually quick
They say you can die and come back to life
They say death is a metamorphic thing

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The black tie

Dad brought out the black tie again.
Seems like I've seen it every week this month.
He stands in his underwear at the sink to bathe, as I look for him in his usual spot.
Instead I see the black tie.
The bathtub has become too dangerous now,...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Peace of you

I know a piece of me is in a piece of you
Each good thing you've said leaves a piece in me
No matter what you've done
And all the saddest grief
A tiny piece of prayer lives inside of me
Even as a foetus heartbeat beating to the stars prays its...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Like Mam

You clean my dishes like Mam
You hoover my floor like Mam
You change the bedding like Mam
You like folding clothes like Mam
You think i'm crazy like Mam
You wait in the sun like Mam
You outgrew kisses like Mam
You grew a pot belly like Mam

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Dear child of today.
Today I write to you.
This poem to greet you.
To meet you.
To say I see you.
See you as today.
You are my today.
Today I forgot how it is to be you.
Today is forever
A time spent together.
Wherever you are.
On this or...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

I took my spaceship to the sun
And stole a piece, the brightest one
On a dusky night with a beautiful sky
Because poems about the sun made me cry
They spoke of its beauty, warmth and place
And the people it fed with vitamin D through their face...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The Archangels thoughts

The mind blocks
But the Archangel still clocks on
He is in many places
Not merely one
He's listened for eons
Without taking many breaks
That's many a year
With hardly a mistake
To people communing
And thinking behind here
He knows every...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Light of life

Is it that your pain should be suffered in full?
Is it that your bed should remain below others?
Is it that your way out is only a way back?
Is it that you are only what you prepare for and let go when the work is complete.
If that is that?

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Light of the meridian


  .................... L
I am chakra one. I spin on and on.

  ..................... V
I am chakra two. I spin through and...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Fairy tale

As every flower releases its scent
Its you I sense in my lament
As the stars open and close their doors
Its yours, my darling, I walk towards
As parents pass on their wedding rings
Its your iris I wait for its bling
As final endings brush...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
For it

I spark up my heart for it
I catch your dart for it
I carry you in a rose for it
I pose for it
I light up the world for it
I curl up my toes for it
I change how I feel for it
I fight through ordeals for it
I believe in love for it
I float...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

I try so hard to picture the heart that lights the moon and beams love like a dart to my waiting face; as I pear into space, never complacent of your grace.
I imagine the touch of a planet so at peace it silently sings us to sleep as it sends us...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Fire full of diamonds

A soul was born into the new light.
They looked around and saw billions and billions of others.
They were all walking through the many doors of life.
She knew which door was her door because God stood beside it and because she was the last soul...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Waking up without you

I open my mind to sad songs
I open my eyes to a silent bed
I open my phone to a blank screen
I open my kitchen to plane cupboards
I open my house to a white sky
I open my earth to a still heart
I open my galaxy to a vacant heaven
I open my...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Dream catcher

I catch your dreams as you sleep
Sometimes you stir
Sometimes you jolt
I make your dreams as you sleep
We co catch them and
And sometimes you drop them
But I always find them
Pick them up and save them
I'm a dream catcher dream maker

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Kiss of life

When I kissed you I heard my lips tell yours "He is the one."
I heard "Don't stop yet. I bet.
Her heart beats too."
I heard your cheeks ask "Share the love."
So you breathed in deeper. To catch our breath and shared my trembling wrists as they...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Worship is love

I can love you without words but I cannot measure the breath of you
to love you with words.
I can write epic verses and hope to inspire a collective of your over 7.5 billion people for a few seconds but I can't love you with numbers because your...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

The man I had in mind writing your words
turned out to be a women.
I considered how I didn't realise and oh yes I thought I'm a women.
Then I thought but I understand women.
Then I realised I've loved women at least for a short time.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The silent star

Celestial star
Cell of the sky
How perfect you are
Still by the by
No questions to ask
Just watching us shine
Bright being afar
Cosmic essence so fine
Galactically aged
When will we meet
But in my dreams
And when I pass in my fate
Oh how...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
A little love left

I left a little note in your cupboard today
Yesterday a present
Bought new clothes the other day
It said I'll always love you and I'll never be the same
Now that you finally smile when I act a certain way
I wrote like an Angel because you...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Freedom is reading behind bars that keep out the past.
Freedom is a lonely word that crowds itself in poets.
It is free on the outside yet cowers behind bars of flesh.
Freedom barricades other peoples desires and hopes.
Freedom is pressured by...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Waiting for doc

I got cancer
waiting for doc
I found my daughter
waiting for doc
I hugged my children
waiting for doc
I won bets
waiting for doc
I drank a pint
waiting for doc
I met a psychic
waiting for doc
I ignored my phone
waiting for doc
I had a...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

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Who wrote the poem "Still I Rise"?
A Robert Burns
B Elizabeth Barrett Browning
C Maya Angelou
D Dylan Thomas